Take your toys to enjoy the park and surrounding areas...in my case, Jeep, pedal bikes and Harley bike! This was a quiet and clean place to lay your head at night...
Driving from Southwest Harbor into the park...Northeast Harbor was full of fun boats.
Driving the park "ring road" a stop at Sand Beach...
Hiking, biking or taking a horse drawn wagon over the carriage roads...
My biking lady was not keen on some of the elevations we traversed through the gates...
Jordan Pond and the Pond House...wonderful spot inside the park, but beware the crowds! An early morning trip here is best.
Leaving the park we rolled across this little quiet beauty...but we did not take the hike (maybe we should have)!
In our little corner of Mount Desert Island, we stayed in Southwest Harbor...you find more working boats than tour traps (I mean touring boats)...
Don't miss out on Cadillac Mountain...if you cannot reserve an early morning then do the next best thing...visit at sunset like we did.