Let’s Talk Travel Safety…

I have been having this discussion recently around home and with friends…”Is now a good time to travel internationally?” Due to social/political/religious unrest in many parts of the world today which seems to be getting worse by the day; makes this is a topic you should be very comfortable with before embarking on a journey outside the US. As far as that goes, it probably makes sense to even examine your travel plans for safety concerns within the US as well! Bottom line…it is a personal decision but there are ways to help make that decision easier. First of all, talk to people that you know or suspect have recently traveled to the area you want to visit and see what their perspectives are. For certain never leave the US without checking out the travel section of the US Department of State website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/

I always then look for world news about the area or region of interest and just see what may pop up as a concern. If you decide to go on with your plans, then by all means do so with confidence and have a great adventure…BUT always think about what dangers may be around you and act accordingly. There are places not safe to frequent after hours; where ever you are staying the locals can advise you on this topic and I have always found them willing to share. They want you to enjoy their part of the world and frequently want to know about your part of the world too! Share with them and feel at home while visiting. Try to stay in local lodgings if you can, partake of local flavors and step out of your “hard core” American attitude; you are the guest and need to genuinely be friendly and open to the hosts’ suggestions for a good time!


Just for Fun…


Let’s Talk Research…