The Final 3…

For 10 years the quest to ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle in all 50 USA states has come to an end…just returning from completing the last 3. Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin comprised the completion tour. It took 6 days, 10 states to ride through, 1 Lake Michigan crossing and 2042 miles in the saddle! Not too bad for a 74+ traveler…so do not let time or age stop you from fulfilling your own bucket list travels.

Lake Express Catamaran

Crossing  Lake Michigan was  an interesting part of the trip having to ride my Harley into the hold of the ship in Michigan, strapping it down and then offloading on the Wisconsin side.

The Harley Davison Museum was the planned visit from the beginning; learning more about the history of the famous cultural iconic motorcycle! It may only be my generation and those before me that just had to ride a Harley…but the story told in this museum is incredible. Starting in 1903, this street and block taken up by the museum is actually where it all began; Milwaukee Wisconsin.

The first motorcycle pictured here was mostly a bicycle with a motor, which evolved into a true motorcycle similar to the next photo of my Fat Bob.

You can learn more here:

Of course Wisconsin is also famous for “cheese”, so taking on a large helping of their cheese curds was also a necessary part of the adventure. Supplemented with a couple cold beers - but only walking to the bar - no riding and drinking alcohol ever!

Avoiding the super highways, you can experience the roads like this scene in Iowa; rough and bumpy in spots and dusty from the harvesting….but interesting too!


Christmas Makes Me Young Again…


Camino de Santiago… via eBike