Researching led to this discovery…
Long before internet, I used books, VCR tapes and magazines to explore my desired travel location! This part of travel planning is time consuming, but worth every moment spent. Do it right and you will have a wonderful adventure. Now we have Google, Internet Explorer, Safari or we can just ask Siri or our Google Assistant for help! But I contend it is still a good idea to stop by the library and dig into a good travel book related to your upcoming plan; such reads as Fodor’s or Rick Steves are my favorites and I will purchase one for each of the places I intend to explore. Once you own one such book, read it, mark it up and begin to list the places to see and places to go so that your next steps are beginning to be already laid out for you! But early internet exploration makes it easy and convenient to begin your research. For example click below to begin to explore wonderful Costa Rica to see if it should be a part of your future!